皆さん、こんにちは。沖縄県自立生活センター・ イルカの勝連文緒(かつれんふみお)といいます。
普段のコミュニケーションは、 口話でコミュニケーションをとっています。聞き取れないときは、
もう一度ゆっくり話してもらったり、筆談したり、 分かる範囲で手話を使ったりします。
ADA27実行委員会メンバーに車いすユーザーがいますが、 聴覚障害を持っている私は、車イスユーザーに負けず、 メンバーたちと一生懸命意見を出しあっています。
ADA25 の時、人見知りがすごく、 積極的に参加者との話す機会が少なったこともあり、
実行委員会になって、いろいろな事を学び、 エンパワメントさせられています。
悩み、時にはいやになるときはあるけど、 みんなと一緒に考えているからこそ、 本気になって本ツアーを盛り上げていきたいと思っています!
lead on❗️
Hello, every one. I'm Fumio Katuren. I'm working at Center for Independent Living "Iruka". It's in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
I have congenitial hearing loss and my hearing loss is severe.
I use mouth talk to communicate with others usually. When I have hard time to listerning, I ask to speak again slowly or ask to write down, or ask to do sign language to communicate.
I'm one of "ADA27 LEAD ON! YOUTH PROJECT" Executive committee. In this Executive committee, we have many wheelcahir user members and I'm the only hearing disability member. However, I'm willing to make this project successful, so I'm trying hard to give my opinion with other members.
I went to ADA25 tour, but at that time, I had shyness and I couldn't had enough chance to talk and get close with other members. Therefore, this time I want to be close with members and I want to change my negative part I have been hidden inside for long time.
That's the reason I decided to be a Executive committee member.
After I became as a member of this committee, I learned many things, and I got empowered.
Yes, I have hard time facing trouble at this project and sometimes I feel I really hate to continue this project, but because I'm not alone, I have great fellows and members who think together.
SO! I earnestly want to success this project together!