近藤 佑次 Yuji Kondo
楽しんでいきましょう! LEAD ON!

Hello everyone! I'm Hiroyuki Kondo. I am one of the member of Executive Committee. I am stuff of Center for Independent living, "AJU Wheelchair Center". It's in Nagoya prefecture, Japan.
I became a quadriplegia 6 years ago, and from 4 years ago, I have been involved in independent living activities. And there are lots interesting project in this independent movoments. Moreover that has not spread byond in Japan, it has been spread to the whole world, and this project is also one of them.
I went to America for the first time in 2014. At that time, I was able to feel the fact that it is the country where the law, prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities for the first time in the world that was created.
Not that buildings are accessible, consideration to the people with disabilities were different. I could finally felt the difference between Japan and the disabled discrimination law that was enforced one years ago, in Japan. Moreover, America is quite fun! Therefore, I have been involved in this ADA project for years.Now, I am doing the Evecutive Committe and thinking this experience will make a change to next generation who bear future's disbalitiy movement to be a "Real comrade".
Let's have fun! LEAD ON!