実行委員の大橋 グレース 愛喜恵(おおはし ぐれーす あきえ)です。みんなからはララと呼ばれています。
ほんまもんの仲間と共に、これからがんばるそ~! LEAD ON!
Hi, I'm one of the member of Executive Committee.
I am stuff of "Center for Independent Living MUCHU".
I have Mutiple Sclerosis. When I had diagnosisied by docter and they told me that I can't live in society, I felt that I am going to die in the hospital, but I don't want to die in the hospital not have any experience have no hope. However, I met Independent Liveing Center and my life changed 180°. Now, I'm living in the society as other people and haveing fun and joyfull life by useing 24 hour care-worker system and haveing medical care.
But from deeply from my heart I wanted to do for long time is "I want to go to state!".
I have couple reason I want to go to state.
1) It's the country which the Independent Living started.
2) I want to learn about ADA law. How the movement went those days and how the people description to other's.
3) That's my roots coutry.
I believe that everyone can live independent. And society should assepet about that. Also, disability shouldn't be the reason for people to be isolation from society.
I want to go to States and learn more about human rights, and disability movement, but as same time, I want to tell the Japan's good part, too.
I'm exciting and looking forwored to see youth leader of America!! I can't to wait to meet American fellows!
Let's Pump! LEAD ON!